Thursday, July 27, 2017

pics Thursday July 27

 Thanks Ron and Tim for breakfast today and a great week.

Adrienne sharing her story

pics Thursday

Grade level group pics:




Misong - Thursday July 27

We’ve all heard the whispers and gossip about Detroit: the drugs, the crime, and the riots. When one says they’re from Detroit to non-Michiganders, you’ll receive the most pitiful or fearful look. But you may have also heard about the up and coming of Detroit. Every city has their own problems, Detroit is just one of the cities that are recognized by more bad than good but without the bad there would be no such thing as good. Honestly, I wasn’t sure about the idea of staying local but I’m really thankful we did. Not only did the bond between us all get stronger, but we also built new relationships with the people we came here to help in the first place, otherwise known as Adrienne and Gloria. Today, we all had the luxury of not making dinner at all today. For breakfast, Tim and Ron came to our temporary home to make us these spectacular omelets in bags. A side note, this project would not have been possible to complete without their help this week. As for dinner, Adrienne and Gloria made us a creamy chicken alfredo pasta. It was very heartwarming to see how grateful they were for the work we’ve put into their homes. It felt really valuable to see the difference and change we’re making in our city. 

Misong Byun

Valerie - Thursday July 27

The last day of work was hot and tiring to say the least, but in the end, all the sweat was worth seeing through the transformation of Adrienne’s house. The most fun part of the day was when karina and I got the luxury of dumpster diving. After hauling dead branches and plants of sorts over the neighbor’s fence, we chucked them into the dumpster and jumped on top of all the garbage to create more room.  Later in the day, once all the branches were cleared and the rooms were painted, it was so rewarding to look around and see how Adrian’s house had completely transformed. And to end our week, we were served a fantastic dinner from the homeowners who so graciously prepared pasta for everyone. In all, this week has been one to remember forever. I grew so much closer to God as I began to remove some of the dust covering my bright light and created so many great memories with my church family! Moving forward, I will take the lessons that I learned here in Detroit and carry them back with me to Northville in an attempt to bridge the gap between the presbyteries in these two amazing cities.

Valerie McIlvaine

Megan - Thursday July 27

Our last day of work consisted of putting the final touches on all the rooms. We painted trim, vacuumed, and scrubbed the floors to remove the paint. The best feeling is seeing the finished product, which for me, consisted of turning a vibrant green room into a bearable purple room. To end our last workday, we headed to Adrienne’s church to have dinner and tour her church. Seeing how emotional she got when thanking us, made us all feel how much she appreciated our help. This whole week has opened our eyes to how all the small things can make a difference!

Megan Lemke

Karin - Thursday July 27

Today was my last work day of my last mission trip and as like all the previous mission trips that I have been on the feeling at the end was very rewarding. We finished all the final touches on Adrian’s house. In the morning Adrian told us her story about finding her faith. After I spent the majority of the day in the living room; painting trim, cleaning the floor and moving the furniture. To finish the day off Adrian and Gloria made dinner for us to thank us for all of our help and generosity. It was very heart warming to see how much our service impacted these women, by the end of the week Adrian was calling us her family. All of our previous mission trips have been out of the state of Michigan, this has been a different mission trip because this year we are helping in our own backyard, and it was a very eye opening experience to see how many people are in need of help. It just shows how much our help has an impact!

Karin Desai
senior year - Too Legit to Quit!

Throw back pic Freshman year - Too Legit to Quit!

Cam - Thursday July 27

Our mission group was blessed enough to have tonight’s dinner cooked by Adrian and Gloria, the homeowners of our two main sites. But before our workday started, Adrian shared a personal story about her finding faith. Her story inspired me that anything is possible and God’s light shines through everyone in their own ways. However, today was unfortunately the last workday. Our group finished all of our assigned projects with time to spare, therefore a number of us helped clean up the neighbor’s shrubs! After our workday we visited Adrian’s and thoroughly enjoyed her spaghetti meal and she gave us a personal tour of the church. Once in the sanctuary, she described all the special sculptures and scriptures around the sanctuary and joins us in prayer. Adrian was so thankful for our work that we all gave her a big group hug. While hugging all my friends, now family, I truly learned how warm God’s light is and how it can affect everyone that steps into his light in a million different beautiful ways.

Cameron Oglesby