Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Reflections from Olivia M.

This week in Asheville, North Carolina was great. We did many different things to help out the community. We went to a veterans home for women and there children, we gardened outside and cleaned on the inside. On the second day my group traveled to the VRQ- house veterans in an old motel, there we weeded, mulched, laid down rocks and raked leaves. Then we ate lunch with some of the veterans! On our last day of work my group went to the beloved house. We helped with the free farmers market and also participated in a bible study. In the afternoon we went to play with kids and made seed bombs with them. On our last day in Asheville we went white water rafting in the morning which was so much fun! In the afternoon we had chick-fil-A on our way to Montreat Conference Center. When we arrived we got some ice cream and walked around the campus and oh my was it gorgeous. After that it was time for the service, it was the most moving service I've ever been too. Many of us had God moments, myself included. The pastors words really spoke to me and it help me understand a lot of things. It tied the whole week up for me and it was a great end to an amazing week. I can't wait for next year!(:


Friday, July 18, 2014

Heading home.

Heading home!!  It has been a full, emotional, and changing week. Can't wait to share photos, videos, and stories with you all. See you back in Northville!! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 4- Pastor Rob

Wow, what a day!  What a week!  Just when we thought that we had been everywhere and experienced everything we could in Asheville; ....God happened.  It started out like every other day with a group of kids setting the breakfast table and aside from some residual tiredness from mulching, bingoing, walking labyrinths, staffing farmers markets and thrift stores and serving the most elderly and young everything pointed to an expected day of rafting and a trip to Montreat.  but what happened was nothing short of a real life God sighting.  The weather was perfect, the water inviting and with rafting guides to lead us, we learned even more about teamwork and God's work in nature.  We were introduced to rocks with names, encouraged to take leaps of faith from intimidating heights, baptized in the French Broad river, and taken to mountaintop experiences.  And I am talking about more than just rafting.  while the rafting provided a different view of Asheville, our trip to Montreat provided an equally different view of who we are as the beloved children of God.  Everything that happened on our river trip and every leesson we learned from from our mission site experiences came together in the worship service.  The preacher (who was engaging, compelling, and long) reminded us that "stuff happens" and that we spend far too much time on why things happen instead of concentrating on how we should deal with all that "stuff."  It really brought the week together and the Holy Spirit broke our hearts and then mended them through hugs, tears, and stories.  Powerful stuff!  I am so unbelievably impressed with the depth of faith and genuine compassion of every member of the team.  Pastor Emma was super organized, the youth were motivated and energetic, and the adult volunteers were significant players in lifting up the kids with both encouragement and loving discipline.  i am unsure if there is any way that the trip to this point could have been better.  In the absence of phones, tv's, computers and the like, relationships took center stage and we could see and hear God in action.  Thanks so much to the parents, sponsors, everyone who donated/purchased, and prayed to make this trip a reality.  We will rejoin you shortly as we leave for home tomorrow morning. 

Pastor Rob

Day 4- Rachel M.

Oh my goodness, this week has been so amazing, and tonight’s service was just the best way to finish it off.  We took a field trip to Montreat Conference Center for the evening, and after eating ice cream and walking around the college campus for a little bit, we walked into what was the most moving church service I can remember being at.  There were lots of kids and adults in the sanctuary with us who had been at the conference the entire week.  Before worship started, actually, I ran into a girl there who I worked with at the VRQ yesterday, so that was cool getting to talk to her again.  Worship itself was such a touching experience; we sang songs, did “spirit fingers” to applaud, and listened to a pastor speak about why good things happen to good people while incorporating Jonah and “Finding Nemo.” Different parts of the sermon overlapped a lot with what we’ve been talking about at AYM this week and different questions that had been on many of our minds, and it really hit many of us hard.  After the sermon, everyone was invited to take part in several different stations where we were able to experience prayer in new ways, and I don’t even know if there are words that could describe what we went through.  God spoke to many of us tonight, myself included, and I feel so blessed to have been a part of this trip.  This whole week has been such an amazing journey and I’m sad it’s coming to a close, but it’s not over yet… (: But even when this awesome trip does come to a close, I know we’ll all be ready to continue to work hard and spread God’s love back in Michigan too.

-Rachel M.

Day 4- Kelsey

This week has been an incredible experience for me, especially with it being my first mission trip. I have performed many cool activities and missions. My favorite experiences included all of the times when I met and interacted with the people of Asheville, especially the homeless people. I feel like I have broken down so many internal barriers this week. Before this trip if I would’ve been told to talk to a homeless person I probably would’ve been terrified and not have known what to say. However, I now am not only comfortable talking to these people but I also realize how extraordinary they are and how much fun I can have with them. I understand now more than ever how everyone has his or her own unique talents and contributions to this world and God loves every one of us.

            Today I had a fantastic time white water rafting with our group. I was never really nervous for it and I had a blast from the moment I stepped onto the raft to the moment I got off. From our awesome guide, Harrison, who encouraged us and let us perform “advanced” moves, to rock jumping and having my sister pull me in during a lull in the river, it was a ton of fun and I loved it so much. My team, which consisted of Amy Newton, Alissa, Olivia, and my sister Brittany, was particularly talented with our rafting skills and really bonded and built up our teamwork. It was a great day and a perfect way to round out the week!


Day 4- Jacob

Every APEX session we have and every day on the mission trip ends with a round of Highlights/Lowlights wherein the group goes around one at a time sharing the good and the bad parts of their week/day (respectively), concluding each turn with the phrase “I [state your name here] am a beloved child of God.” Being the extremely literal person that I am, every time my turn comes I say “I, state your name here, am a beloved child of God.” Today, the group went to Montreat for the closing worship service for one of their youth conferences. After the sermon, as a form of reflection for the week, the leaders had set up different prayer stations and invited people to move around the sanctuary to experience them. At the front of the sanctuary and in the middle, there was an opportunity to be anointed and reminded of the fact that we are beloved children of God. The person who anointed me asked for my name, and upon receipt drew a cross on my forehead with oil, saying “You, Jacob, are a beloved child of God.” Having someone who had just met me not more than thirty seconds ago remind me that I am loved was way different than being reassured of it at Highlights/Lowlights. While having my friends who know my faults and still like me despite them do the reassurance is wonderful, having someone who doesn’t know anything but my name tell me that I am loved is something. The fact that I am part of  a group so large that I cannot even begin to comprehend the magnitude of it who loves each and every member even though we won’t come in contact with over ninety per cent of those who believe is astounding. That we can come together to love so many despite knowing so few is a testament to the power of Jesus and I’m just really happy to have had the chance to experience this week, mainly because of all we’ve done this week, but also because we are carrying on a tradition that has lasted approximately 2000 years. (I can’t comprehend that magnitude either)


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Are you tired from hearing from me....It's Emma

Hi All!!!

It is the end of the third day (11:45pm) and I am sitting at the end of the hallway and can hear the girls (who are suppose to be a sleep) laughing...it means only one thing, we are having a BLAST!

This kids have made me so proud this week.  The more I get to know them the more I am amazed by their unique and awesome gifts each one of the have.  To see them engaging in bible studies, worship, painting, and even playing games with strangers has been my biggest joy.

Tomorrow is our rafting trip.  There is some anxiety in the group, but mostly everyone is excited to get out on the water.  I have already decided to NOT be in a raft with Rob, I have a feeling I'd be thrown in!

The kids are really bonding as a group and I'm seeing God work through each of them.  I said this last night and I'll say it again tonight, they are making their families, their church, and this pastor very proud.

Until tomorrow...

Day 3 Alyson

When the planning of this trip began, I had zero intentions of going.  I had always stayed home and greeted the family when they returned.  I listened to all their stories, watched the photo slide shows, and reveled in the group bonding and sense of community they had cultivated.  Something was different this year.  I felt a call, a push to go.  I resisted the Spirit for a while and finally made the decision. I was going and there was no turning back.  It is only Wednesday. We have been immersed in the Asheville community for 3 days and already I have experience things I would have never encountered had I stayed behind.  I have participated in a bible study where I sat side by side with homeless, emotionally wounded, mentally challenged, and addicted individuals.  I found common ground with them, prayed with them, and shared my own wisdom and failures.  This is where I realized none of us are all that different from one another.  And no one ASKS to be homeless or go through dark times.  It could just as easily be me.  These are God’s children here, desperately reaching for a hand, a shoulder, and break.  They have FAITH that’s greater than some of the people I know personally.  They have broken me of the ability to judge others.  They have broken my fear and prejudice.  They have broken my pride and ungratefulness.  Today I can say I have a better understanding of what MISSION really is.  It’s reaching out to hands most don’t want to touch.  It’s a conversation with someone so lonely they feel like they could cry at any given moment.  It’s sacrificing your daily routine to give others things we take for granted every day.  It’s seeing your fellow human beings through God’s eyes, loving them as your brothers and sisters, as beloved Children of God.  Mission is love.  Mission is grace.  Mission is acting on this great faith we hold so dear.  I thank God for the call to go on this trip.  He has irreversibly changed me once again.  He has shown me a more excellent way.

Day 3 Matthew

On the mission trip today, I had the most fun I have had all week, or at least since I saw the “Welcome to North Carolina” sign.  In the morning we met a lady named Amy who helped homeless families and senior citizens who mostly fell under the poverty line.  We set up a free food market where we could pass out as many fruits, vegetables, pastries, and even clothes as the senior citizens needed. After putting the food away, my group transitioned into a bible study with many of the seniors. I had a blast as I listened to 88-year-old women singing with each other and giving advice to the younger generation.  For the second half of our workday we took a city bus to a park where we would eat and play with many children.  A little boy named Katama was so cute when he playfully screamed as we had a game of tag and chased him around.  We played so much with the kids and for three straight hours we organized a game of kickball, spun them around, taught new playground games to them, played tic tac toe, and even taught a few kids the correct baseball swing with pastor Rob.  The hardest part was saying goodbye to the kids and having to tell them that we would not return the next day, but I was so happy to have the opportunity to give them that much joy.  I learned a lot from both the elderly and the children today and I thought it was nice to see a perspective of the world from both groups of people.  After 13 long years, I have definitely enjoyed my trip back to my favorite state. Naturally, I kissed the wonderful North Carolina ground as soon as I got off of the bus.  I love the youth going on the trip and the program that we are exploring our faith through.  I am so blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy the experiences I have had on this trip and I have felt a lot closer to God through the course of this trip.

Day 3 Jamie

Today I went to the Liberty Corner Enterprises, it’s a home for special needs adults that don’t want to go to an institution.  We started painting a hallway. After lunch I met a lady who lives at LCE her name was Shanon, she suffers from physical and mental disability. She told us all about what she does during the day, things she likes doing, and her life outside the home. It showed that even though she suffers from a disability she still is able to live a normal life.  After we went to the VRQ where we played bingo with veterans. It was really cool to interact with them today and yesterday. Yesterday we got to eat lunch with the veterans. I sat with a man named Marshal, it was really interesting to hear about his life and time in war. I thought it was really sweet how he told me that he didn’t just think all the men around him as friends he saw them more as brothers. I can’t wait to go white water rafting.

Rachel N - Wednesday

Today my group went to the Beloved house to have a farmers market for elders with low income. We helped them fill bags with fresh produce to take home. After the farmers market we participated in a worship service, which I really loved. The woman’s words really spoke to me and I also loved the songs. After the worship service ended, we cleaned up and hopped on the city bus for a ride to a children’s playground. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the kids. We made seed bombs, which are a combination of dirt, clay, and sunflower seeds. Once you let the balls harden, you can throw it on the ground and let the plant grow. We played a game of kick ball with the kids and also many games of tag. The kids were very cute, but also very crazy! It was hard to keep up with them but it was still really sad. With this being my first mission trip, I really loved working and helping out people in need. I am sad this is our last work day but I am excited for white water rafting tomorrow!:)

Annie - Wednesday

My group went to Haywood Street all day. This is a place of security for many people in this town.  The large grass area covered by a sacred tree acts as a living room or porch for the homeless.  Between passing out popsicles, playing corn hole, socializing and worship everyone was very welcoming no matter their social class. From all my experiences throughout the week I continue to learn that just starting a conversation can open up a door to many life changing stories and lessons.  Halfway through the day we went to a church service and were all blown away. Most of us did not expect many people to be there, considering it’s a Wednesday afternoon, but the place was packed with people of all social classes and different abilities. The church service was extremely informal and very interactive. During the prayer part of the service and after the sermon was delivered the congregation was able to contribute and state their opinions. I really enjoyed hearing everyone’s perspectives. I also loved how everyone was thought as equal within the walls of the church even though they may be viewed differently on the streets. Another place this was shown was at a park in center of Asheville. Our group had the opportunity to eat lunch here on Monday and I still think it’s one of the highlights of this trip. I love the idea of a businessman eating lunch with someone with a mental/physical disability and a homeless man. Seeing society come together as one is a blessing within its self. I am sad this was our last workday, believe it or not, and hope to continue to learn and build relationships in our two final days. 

Alissa - Wednesday

Today we went to Haywood Street for the entire day.  On Haywood Street there is a giant tree that a lot of homeless people go to after the day shelter closes.  The braches extend over a huge area and provide shade and security.  It is a safe place for them to go and sleep, hang out, and socialize.  We got the chance to interact with many of the homeless people.  One man, Jeff, was there with jewelry supplies.  I stood with him while he made a rosary out of beads he made himself out of bamboo rods from an old curtain.  After he finished the rosary, he told me he would make a necklace for me, and he did!  It is a locket that also is made out of the bamboo beads.  He was very talkative about his life and family, so it was a very fun, new, and moving experience.  Later in the day, a man named Keith saw me wearing the necklace and asked me if he could have it.  Of course, I gave it to him (sadly), but hopefully he takes good care of it and remembers it as a special gift from me.  Overall, the day was well spent on Haywood Street.

Krispy Kreme